Interview with Bianca Kajlich, the star of "Halloween:Resurrection"


This girl has already recommended itself fine works in serials "Dawson's Creek" and "Boston Public". She's appeared in the teen hits "Bring it on" and "10 Things I Hate About You ". But the main movie in her career - "Halloween: Resurrection", after which her began to name new Scream Queen. Meet Bianca Kajlich. In this Xsive interview to she'll talk about Jamie Lee Curtis, urban legends and suicide!

Halloween So what makes a good scream queen, Bianca?

BK: Me! I'm a good scream queen! But we've been referring to it today as "slasher chick." We're the new generation of Jamie Lee Curtis.

HM.C: How do you prepare to scream for the camera?

BK: I'm quite honestly not that confident in my screaming abilities. I think I sound like a man. I found that sucking on candies does the trick. Jamie Lee was kind enough to pass me a bottle of Vick's throat spray. I also learned that screaming from the diaphragm helps, too. Scream 101 - I can teach it now at this point.

Halloween: Resurrection
Now we know, what have made her screams so loud!

HM.C: What advice did Jamie Lee give you?

BK: We traded gifts. I gave her a crown, telling her she would always be the original scream queen. And she passed onto me the Vick's spray. Jamie - just the way she carries herself - she's a walking piece of advice on how to play the game and maintain yourself respectfully in this business. I have a lot of respect for her.

HM.C: Were you a fan of HALLOWEEN coming into this?

BK: Actually, I wasn't. And not because I have an aversion to the franchise or anything, but I quite simply had not watched them. I had a babysitter when I was 8 who sent me upstairs while her and her boyfriend watched the movie. Those key notes floating up into the bedroom were enough to keep me away from the franchise for quite a bit. Then when I booked this, I sat down and watched all of them and became a huge fan. The first two, especially, are just such classic horror films and set a precedent for every horror film after that.

HM.C: What's the entertainment value of having your wits scared out of you?

BK: It's a safe fear. It's fear you can go into. It's not like bungee jumping or rollercoasters. You're experiencing a fear that will be over in an hour and a half and when it's over, you'll be left with the adrenaline rush.

The slasher chick in action!

HM.C: Nine months ago people were thinking this kind of movie was going to be gone forever, since we had all experienced real fear.

BK: Right - and you know what I think? In reality, I think it may have boosted [the genre] a little bit. I think it's cool to be able to go into a theater a watch a film that really is - and I love horror movies - silly. It's silly fun, really. And I think that to project our fears upon some madman who stalks in the night and wields his knife and kills massive amounts of people - it's so far removed from what we're going through. It's a nice way to expel your fears - to get it out in the open and to feel safe - and then come outside and deal with the real world.

HM.C: Are you afraid of the dark?

BK: I don't know. I was really afraid of the dark when I was a kid. Have you ever heard the urban legend about the woman who constructs the puzzle? She puts it together piece by piece and she starts to see it's her livingroom. Then she starts to see it's her window. Then she sees a man's face in the window. Then she turns to the window and there's shattering glass. I love those legends. And the great thing is that Michael Myers is one of those legends. I think if anything, it was a great joy and so much fun to live that out - but obviously, again, in a way that was very safe.

HM.C: Was it scary to be on the set at all?

BK: Well, we played pranks on each other, so yeah. We never knew who was going to jump out. I remember there was one scene where Sean Patrick Thomas is in a precarious position against the door. I turn around and there he is, and I scream at the sight of his body. We did it about 20 times. And on the 20th take, I run around, look at him, and scream - and he just - came alive and screamed right back at me. All you could see were the whites of his eyes and his white teeth. And I just lost it! We were always trying to get each other. I think that was one of the more attractive aspects of filming a horror movie.

HM.C: Was it difficult to get used to the helmet cameras?

BK: Besides the obvious physical discomfort, there were things like when you took the camera off and put it around your neck. You forgot it was still rolling and filming down your shirt. And we had some great video guys who wouldn't tell you for about 10 minutes! And going to my trailer to change and not remembering to turn it off. But the cool thing about them is that they can go in places where the real camera can't. And we all became our own DPs (directors of photography); we'd look at something and go "you know, that shot would be cool if I just cocked my head this way."

HM.C: You're active with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Why take the time to do that?

BK: I chose this suicide prevention to really get behind because, I don't know if you know, but it's the third leading cause of death among teens in our country. I know part of the reason I'm here as an actor is because I didn't know exactly where my direction was. I went to college, I didn't know exactly what I wanted to do. I danced for a long time, and I finally found this. But there were some years there that were pretty scary where I was like "I feel so alone." And I can't imagine having that on such a level that you would want to end your life. The thing that's so sad about our youth today taking their own lives is that it's preventable. I'm having such a fantastic time with my life. I'm having such an amazing time developing this career and going upwards and onward. And it just breaks my heart to think there are people out there who can't just enjoy their lives like that.

HM.C: Finally, are you and Sara anything alike?

BK: Completely different. There's always a little bit of you in your character, I hope. Sara is very vulnerable and doesn't ever want to be the center of attention - which I am a HUGE fan of. She's a little bit of a 'fraidy cat, and I'm just not.

Don't confuse Bianca with Sara, she's different!

HM.C: So you would have done this webcast thing in a heartbeat?

BK: Well, I dunno. I love the reality shows - but at this point in my life, I'm trying to take my career in a different direction. But, if you'd have approached me maybe 4 or 5 years ago, I might have done it for the thrill of it. As long as I didn't have to eat bugs!
