Episode 22 - The Gift
BuffyBuffyGilesAnya & BuffyGlory
Buffy-botRabbit-omenXander to Anya: 'Will You marry me?'WillowGlory's tower
Willow's spellWillow's spell in actionBuffyBuffyGlory fighting Buffy-bot
Dawn at the towerReal BuffyGlory's psycho armyDoc's trickGlory in pain
Buffy fightingDawnBen/Glory's deathGiles killing BenSister's coming
The portal is open - and Sunnydale is in a HUGE trouble!Demon from other dimensionWillow with TaraBuffy and Dawn ~ Summers bloodBuffy's death
Buffy's dyingDeath is her gift ~ Dead BuffyBeloved sister. Devoted friend. Buffy Summers. She Saved the World...a lot.Buffy with Dagon's sphere

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